SHZOND Heat Press 5 in 1 Machine

  • Teflon Coated Heating Plate
  • Digital LED Controller
  • Includes Mug/Hat/Cap Press 6"x 3"( curved )
  • Temperature & Time Controller

SHZOND Heat Press 5 in 1 Machine

Desirability 89%
Quality 90%
Durability 90%


SHZOND 15’’x15’’ has a large enough platen press that can transfer heat to any size of an image for a t-shirt. This machine comes with five different heat shifting elements which are, plate press of two different sizes, mug press, cap press and the platen press itself. This machine is slightly expensive but it transfers heat marvelously, and the shifted image is not going to fade any time soon. Same goes for the mug press, plate press, cap/hat press and because of its swing-away mechanism it is much preferable over other clam shell style heat press machines.

SHZOND Heat Press Machine is liked by most of its owners. With some ignorable limitations, this heat press offers a platen press size of 15×15’’ which is admired by most of its users. The best part about the SHZOND Heat Press is that it comes with five heating elements instead of one which is a requirement of today’s industries. It can be used for the home purpose as well, but its expensiveness makes it a little unaffordable for people who want to start a small-scale business. This heat press cannot be referred to some hobbyist or individual who likes his shirt printed with his favorite image; the reason is the price of the machine and the heating elements that come along.

SHZOND Heat Press Machine

This machine is suggested to the people who have a business of t-shirt press and are looking for an upgrade. SHZOND comes with five different size of heating elements, a mug press of 3 to 3.5’’, a plate press of 5’’ and 6’’, a cap press whose size is almost the same around the world and is adjustable. This machine has two in one digital controller, and you can control the heat and pressure of the device with its help. You do need to have proper configuration knowledge because without it you won’t be able to operate the machine. Also, it has a swing-away style which is appreciated because it doesn’t allow you even accidentally to touch the heated upper platen. You can easily adjust your t-shirts, bags, mouse mats, etc. on the surface without any fear.

Features of SHZOND Heat Press

1. Teflon coated

SHZOND 15×15’’ comes with a Teflon coated heating element, so you don’t have to waste any money buying Teflon sheets. You can transfer heat without any worries of sticking the fabric to the heating element and it also has a removable silicone and cotton pad. Your safety is ensured because of the movable upper platen plus there is a built-in fuse which in case of a power surge will automatically cut the power of the heat press.

2. 5 in 1

It has five effortlessly changeable heating elements which can be used from time to time depending on our needs. If you are already running a t-shirt press business, then these heating elements are good for upgrades because of the quality they have to offer. Negligible high-price of the machine is not a matter of concern for these, but the growth of their business is.

3. Large size

A 15×15’’ platen press size is enough for any size of print on a t-shirt, you can use an adjustment knob on its top to adjust the pressure according to the thickness of the material you are transferring heat too. It has two ample sized holders on its upper platen which allows you to lift it and move it away comfortably. So, now you don’t have to ignore your favorite size of the image for a t-shirt.

4. Audible alarm

Most of the similar heat press machines don’t come with a notification feature. SHZOND Heat Press has an audible alarm that sounds on the completion of heat transfer. If you are working on a project, then you need to worry about delivering it on time. Also, you need to be efficient if you want to complete the task before you reach the time limit.

5. Easy to configure

It comes with a user manual that allows you to learn about the ABC of this heat press machine. For most of the devices you have to find (how to) instructions online and since it comes with a guide, you don’t need to exert yourself. Also, it doesn’t require much effort to exchange its heating elements; all you need is a little space and a screwdriver.

Pros and Cons


SHZOND Heat Press machine comes with five heating elements which can be a nice upgrade to a standard heat press that transfer heat to shirts only. An alarm system to keep you notified when the machines heat transfer is complete. Ample size to give you more space for large size image transfers on t-shirts and an instruction manual on how to configure this heat press. Plus, it comes assembled, so you don’t have to exchange its platen press with other heating elements unless you need to.

Here we have a number of  heat press machines for you.



As if we talk about technology everyone can face technical difficulties, this heat press is not suggested to people who have a low budget, and it also doesn’t come with a warranty. In case of any technical problem, you won’t be able to ask for a replacement, which is a big negative because almost all the machines at this price come with a warranty. So, if people with low capital want to find a good machine then don’t worry, we’ll help you find one.

Customers’ Verdict

People have been talking about facing technical difficulties, and for some, it worked like a charm. So, if you are a business owner and want to evolve your business from t-shirt press to other items, then this machine can be your road to success.


SHZOND Heat Press 15×15-Inch’ no doubt has a right platen press size which is suitable for almost any type of design and its five elements help your business advance. It contains all the essential features except for a warranty and if you think this machine is good enough to make your business proud then why wait?

A few mechanical problems can be solved over time because people in business always have someone to fix these issues that arise over time. It no doubt can be used for long term projects, but the thought of not having a replacement warranty might exasperate you.
Read our more reviews on heat press machines.

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