TC- Home Heat Press Machine 12X15 Inch

  • Power Input:110V/60Hz
  • Timer control: 0 - 999 seconds
  • Create Your Own- Custom Designs
  • Fully-Assembled Machine

TC- Home Heat Press Machine 12X15 Inch

Desirability 95%
Quality 90%
Durability 90%


TC- Home Heat Press Machine is a machine in the category of affordability. This sublimation heat press can be used at the home, office, or your preferred place easily. Due to its affordable price, people who are low on the budget can start their business with this inexpensive machine as this is a 5 in 1 heat press machine functionality with different sizes. It comes with a manual that is required by every new user. For people who are already in business, this device can be a plus. This machine includes a mug heating element, a cap heating element, two plate presses, and an exceptional quality platen press for all other activities. We have also a Cricut easy press machine which is best for printing t-shirts.

TC- Home Heat Press comes with a platen press size of 12’’x15’’ and is the best size for transferring heat to t-shirts. The quality of the platen press is fine and can be used for long term projects, as it is a swing-away style it requires a little more space in the room. You can adjust it anywhere on a shelf or a floor but try not to place it on some wooden surface. The heating elements sizes are as follows: Hat/cap press size 5.5’’ x 3.3’’ which is ideal for any curved version of a cap, Mug press 3’’ x 3.5’’ and two plate presses.

TC- Home Heat Press

If you are someone who is about to start a business on a small scale, then add some TC- Home Heat Press to your collection because it comes with five heating elements at the cost of one. You can use this heat press sublimation machine for customizing your own shirts or your teams, transfer cool images to mousepads, phone covers, caps, and many other items. Fill them with images liked by your targeted people and start your business right after the machine is equipped in your workspace because the TC- home heat press comes fully assembled, so you don’t have to screw or fix any part of the device.

Features of TC- Home Heat Press

1. Dual digital display

The most important thing every heat press requires is a digital LCD for better notification of temperature and pressure. The upgraded version of the digital display will show the exact temperature that the machine is transferring to your item and an audible alarm that sounds upon completion for heat transfer. So, no need to worry if you have to spend a few seconds somewhere else.

2. Upgraded temperature and pressure control

Avoiding overexposure is what all people in this business need to save their articles. The machine stops heating when it reaches the preset temperature. As the temperature control is more sensitive and accurate, you won’t need to overheat your item for better results.

3. Swing-away design

The swing-away design takes more space but is safer than the clamshell-style heat press. The heated platen of the heat press can be moved away to place your item correctly so that the heat is supplied evenly in all directions by a heat press.

4. The full-range pressure adjustment knob

An adjustment knob with full range can be easy to operate, and you won’t need to get close to the heated platen while doing so. The grip is made out of rubber so that your fingers don’t hurt while spinning it and its durability allows it to be used for long production runs.

Pros and Cons


The temperature control offers you a timer of up to 999 seconds which is an ideal temperature for every article. The temperature ranges from 32-450 Fahrenheit or 232 degrees centigrade. The most necessary thing from a heat press machine is durability so that the device can be used for long term use and TC- Home heat press has all a beginner or a regular user of heat press machine demands.

The machine is inexpensive which makes it affordable for people with a low budget plus it comes with five heating elements, a silicone pad, and a Cotton Pad. Most of the machines today do not come with instructions on how to operate but not to worry because this one comes with a manual so that you don’t have to spend time searching for how to operate on the internet.


TC- Home Heat Press has more strong points then flaws. This heat press machines lower platen is removable so make sure to tighten before using it for transferring heat, and its swing style requires a negligible amount of more space than a clamshell-style, but definitely, it is better than that. Sometimes the item you want to transfer heat might need adjustment because if the size you are using is larger than the heating platen, then you might need to apply heat to the rest of the area again. This happens when you don’t check the sizes of the t-shirt you wish to transfer heat to, so choose your articles wisely.

Customers’ Verdict

According to the people who bought this Sublimation heat press machine they say it’s not bad, it’s different. People haven’t reported any big issues, and this happens when you try to operate the heat press without reading the manual. The heat press machine needs to be turned off to stop its alarm and the items arrived were in good condition. People are using it for long term projects and don’t seem to have to go through any problems, and the machine is still producing good results according to the customers. People even replaced their old devices with this because it heats up fast and is lightweight.


This TC- Home Heat Press Machine is no doubt good for business and especially for the people who want to start one. The heat press machine is affordable and comes with five heating elements which are an extra perk so you can even place mugs and hats to your production list for better business outcomes. This machine is also good for people who are in sports and people who have a clothing business because in games you can use it to transfer logos on the t-shirts and in clothing you can use any fabric but use the right temperature for this motive, so you don’t have to face any issues. We have all the best heat press machines and their honest reviews for you.

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